New Friends
“New Friends” beautifully captures a tender moment between a fluffy puppy and a small chick, each observing the other with curiosity. The warm, cheerful colors and delicate brushstrokes bring this adorable interaction to life, making it perfect for animal lovers. This limited edition print celebrates the innocence and joy of unlikely friendships and adds a touch of sweetness to any collection.
Each print is crafted with exceptional quality:
1. Limited Edition: Each print is 1/5 per run, ensuring exclusivity.
2. Size: Finished artwork size 10x10” on a 12x12” sheet.
3. Paper Quality: Printed on Hahnemühle German Etching 310gsm textured fine-art paper.
4. Print Quality: Gallery-quality giclee print, using professional Canon pigment inks.
5. Sealing: Sealed with Hahnemühle Protective Spray for added durability.
6. Authentication: Officially registered with, featuring a hologram serial and matching certificate of authenticity.
7. Signature: Hand-signed in the mount area using the Hahnemühle signing pen duo system (graphite pencil).
8. Protective Sleeve: Wrapped in an acid-free plastic artist’s sleeve.
9. Packaging: Flat-packed in a reinforced cardboard container for secure shipping.