The Dog of Man
“The Dog of Man” is a playful homage to René Magritte’s surrealist classic, The Son of Man. This witty reinterpretation features a distinguished dog, dressed in a bowler hat and tuxedo, with a tennis ball obscuring his face in place of the iconic green apple. It’s a humorous and imaginative take on the mystery and whimsy of Magritte’s work, sure to spark joy and conversation. Perfect for art lovers and dog enthusiasts, this piece adds a unique blend of surrealism and charm to any space.
Each print is created with meticulous attention to detail and quality:
1. Limited Edition: Each print is 1/5 per run, ensuring exclusivity.
2. Size: Finished artwork size 10x10” on a 12x12” sheet.
3. Paper Quality: Printed on Hahnemühle German Etching 310gsm textured fine-art paper.
4. Print Quality: Gallery-quality giclee print, using professional Canon pigment inks.
5. Sealing: Sealed with Hahnemühle Protective Spray for added durability.
6. Authentication: Officially registered with, featuring a hologram serial and matching certificate of authenticity.
7. Signature: Hand-signed in the mount area using the Hahnemühle signing pen duo system (graphite pencil).
8. Protective Sleeve: Wrapped in an acid-free plastic artist’s sleeve.
9. Packaging: Flat-packed in a reinforced cardboard container for secure shipping.
This limited edition print is a delightful conversation piece, blending surrealism with a quirky, canine twist.